Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rain Rain just go away! Bring on the Fire!

So it was raining today here at Atlas Park, booo! But lucky for us a fabulous shipment of Fire dresses and tops came in! After unpacking , steaming, pricing & arranging I decided to play dress up with Miss Nicole. Above are some photos of the new shipment we got in.

Harvest Sale at Stella Gialla!

Join Us , October 24th & 25th for our first Harvest Sale!
*Handknit & Handmade Acccessories
*Fresh Baked Banana, Pumkin, and Zuchini Breads
*Homemade Jams & Jellies
*Fresh Baked Cookies & Cupcakes
*Holiday Chocolate Lollipops
*Fun Cups- Reusable holiday themed cups filled with candy & toys for your little ones
*Handpainted Halloween Pumpkins
*Halloween KnickKnacks & Children's Halloween ToysCome down to sample some of these homemade goodies and help us celebrate the start of the season!